According to Bollywood actress Paranka Chopra and American singer Nick Jones Christian, according to the customs tradition, marriage was held in Madhavaj, the marriage ceremony was held in Jabalpur on Sunday evening.
In the ceremony, the family and close relatives of the bride and the bride participated.
On the occasion Paranak Chopra, a American designer, Ronalf Larnan, was produced by Gown Zebb, while Nick Jones was wearing Rau Larness Cashew.
Interestingly, Raf Lars has only prepared wedding gowns for her daughter, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law. This is the first time that he has developed a gown for the marriage of an actress.
Designer Ralph Larner's Paraná Chopra has a genuine commitment, in the 2017's Mate Gala, the actress had worn a coat designed by designer Ralph Loren, who was the focus of everyone.
According to media reports, like Parica Paidukun and Ranveer Singh, Paranka Chopra and Nick Jones will also have a marriage ban, after today's Christian tradition, Ata R will be married in a Hindu place.
According to the Indian media, according to the Indian media on December 2, according to the tradition of Indian tradition, Indian designer Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla will make the designated zebies, while their groomed beans will likely put a turban on the head and their There will be a sword in hand.
Paranka Chopra and American singer Nick Jones Christian
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