Man has filled his food needs with agro-animal feeding, birds and aquatic life (C food) since centuries. Cats are nutritious, especially in food and nutritious food. In the birds the demand for foods made by fish and barks According to specialists, once a week, fish and bitter food can be consumed from cholesterol, blood pressure and lungs in the week and also increase in defense. Some techniques for producing food are served.
Bake Fish Making Lives
Fish pieces Half a kilo
Coconut Country. A Cup
Red Cure paste .Use dining spoon
Sugar. A tea spoon
Fish Sauce Three meal spoon
Leaf leaves. Five numbers
Banana leaves
Mix visa tables. Two hundred grams (sliced or chopped)
Red pepper two to three numbers (sliced)
Mix well by adding coconut country, red curry paste, sugar, fish juice and lime leaves to a bowl.
Now add the pieces of fish to it well with my net and leave for 25 to 30 minutes.
Set banana leaves on a baking tray and save mix viz tables on them.
Then put them on my net already and keep the remaining spices from above.
Now make these packets close to tooth box and place it in the baking tray and stumble or stumble for two to twenty degrees centimeters in the hot air for twenty to twenty minutes.
Now remove fish packets from the baking tray and put them in the dishes.
Then from scratching the red pepper slice to the top.
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